A little bit of Jamie in my life…


blogger-image-1660875425..it was right after we came back from summer holidays in Spain, right?
We were driving most of the night, then took the ferry and arrived home late at night.

We lived in this cute little house in Chelsea, painted pistachio green, you made sure it was pistachio green, not just any green…

We woke up starving! What’s for breakfast, I asked you… You went downstairs, looked into the refri and there was nothing, not even butter! Nor toast! “There’s nothing but me for breakfast” you proposed…Well, there actually was an onion and the chives on the sill.
I knew already back then that the end was near and I proposed , perhaps, we can start eating the oranges, ten kilos of oranges we brought back from Spain with us in the car?

“At least let me dress them up for you baby ” , you said smiling, although you knew… (And I knew that Jules was already waiting in the wings)
“NO! Today I’ m cooking!”, I said and hurried out of bed and while you showered, I flew down the staircase and bought some stilton from the fromagerie and a baguette. Just try a bit harder Jamie, I said to myself and went up to prepare what was to be named as …


Slice these divine juicy oranges into thick slices, 2-3 per fruit. Discard skin keeping slices intact.
Arrange on serving plate.
Slice thickly a white or purple onion and keep shape intact. Alternatively , for a more manageable finale, chop onion finely and segment orange.
Top orange slices with the onion slices or dice and sprinkle with stilton cheese or your best roquefort cheese.
Garnish with parsley or chives and dress it with a dijon mustard based vinaigrette. Serve with freshest baguette.

Leave the goodbye note slightly touching the cuttlery and rrrrrun.

This wasn’t meant to be …


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